:mlzd was established In Biel/Bienne in 1997. It is the workplace of a versatile team of architects, who have to date won more than 30 first prizes in international competitions and have more than 40 completed building projects to their name. The work of the practice covers a broad spectrum. Its most important projects include the renovation of the presidential anterooms to the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York (2004) as well as extensions to the Historic Museum in Berne (2009) and the Local-Heritage Museum in Rapperswil (2011).
:mlzd currently has 30 employees, whose internal discussions give rise to vastly varied projects. One characteristic that all the projects have in common, however, is the self-assured and highly respectful attitude towards the architectural setting.
:mlzd - mit Liebe zum Detail
:mlzd is an architectural practice based in biel-bienne, Switzerland.
alleestrasse 25 / ch-2503 biel-bienne, Switzerland - Phone: +41 32 323 04 72 - Email: office@mlzd.ch - www.mlzd.ch
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Biel/Bienne Commercial College
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Visitor Centre at the Swiss Ornithological Insitute
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Janus - Local Heritage Museum Rapperswil-Jona
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