Pierre L'Excellent
Pierre L’Excellent is a Paris based architectural photographer. After working as an architect for a few years, he came to his career as a way to reconcile his two passions, architecture and photography.
Pierre’s photographs offer a reading of space, its geometry, textures, and relationship to light. The perspective he brings to bear on the built environment can both follow the codes and deviate from them, so as to shed new light on the man-made world we live in.
Pierre L'Excellent is a photographer of architecture based in Paris, France.
8 rue Fagon Paris, France - Phone: +33621654998 - Email: contact@pierrelexcellent.com - http://www.pierrelexcellent.com/
MIGRANT WORKERS’ SOCIAL HOUSING IN PARIS / 131 UNITSPARIS - FranceArchitecture by Atelier PhileasWith photos also by Axel Dahl
Vertical PavilionParis - FranceArchitecture by Alma Gazeau, Clement Carriere
CTLES - Centre Technique du Livre de l'Enseignement SupérieurBussy-Saint-Georges - FranceArchitecture by Antonini Darmon Architects, RMDM ArchitectesWith photos also by Julien Lanoo
14 HOUSING UNITS + 1 retail space – rue Saint Maur, Paris 10PARIS - FranceArchitecture by Avenier Cornejo ArchitectesWith photos also by Julien Lanoo, Schnepp Renou
LESSParis - FranceArchitecture by VINCENT PARREIRA - AAVP ARCHITECTUREWith photos also by Luc Boegly
M6B2 Tower of BiosiversityParis - FranceArchitecture by Maison Edouard François
Arches BoulogneBoulogne - FranceArchitecture by Antonini Darmon architectsWith photos also by Benoit Fougeirol, Julien Lanoo