Schnepp Renou
Schnepp Renou is a photographer of architecture based in Paris , France.
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UNIVERSITY OF DAKAR CHEIKH ANTA DIOP HOUSING CAMPUSDakar - SenegalArchitecture by Hardel Le Bihan, Alun Be
The Old ByreCowes - United KingdomArchitecture by Gianni Botsford Architects
LULLY VAUBAN SCHOOLVersailles - FranceArchitecture by Atelier Serge Joly
"Mäusebunker" Forschungseinrichtung für experimentelle MedizinBerlin - Germany
LUMEN LEARNING CENTER AT PARIS SACLAY UNIVERSITY CAMPUSGif-sur-Yvette - FranceArchitecture by MGM arquitectos, BEAUDOUIN ARCHITECTESWith photos also by Fernando Guerra / FG+SG
High-rise building on Europaplatz SquareBerlin - GermanyArchitecture by allmannwappner
Reciprocal HouseLondon - United KingdomArchitecture by Gianni Botsford Architects
93 PetitParis - FranceArchitecture by studio razavi architecture
OFFICE BUILDING RITTERSTRASSE 16 BERLINBerlin - GermanyArchitecture by Richter MusikowskiWith photos also by Dacian Groza
Atelier Gardens Haus 1Berlin - GermanyArchitecture by MVRDV, Hirschmüller Schindele ArchitektenWith photos also by Lukas Drobny
Primary schoolAachen - GermanyArchitecture by New Architekten, Knapp & Knapp
Forecourt, Cultural Center Saint-Exupéry, MarignaneMarignane - FranceArchitecture by concorde architectes-urbanistes
Ball Theater / LA FÊTE N’EST PAS FINIEVenice - Italy
Holiday House Dr. FunkSchwerin - GermanyArchitecture by Keßler Plescher Architekten