Manuel Benedikter
Studied architecture at the „Technische Universität Wien“ and the “Esquela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura Barcelona”. Graduating from TU Vienna.
State-exam at the University of Venice and admission to the Italian Association of Architects.
Experience at various architect’s offices in Austria and Italy, internship at Santini & Rocha Arquitectos in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, cooperation with Althammer + Hochuli Architekten ETH BSA in Zürich, Swizerland, 2000-2003 initially working for and then partner in architects association „plan werk stadt - architekten“ (Dellago, Hofer, Prugg, Benedikter) in Bolzano.
2004 founded “Manuel Benedikter architect” in association with civil engineer Hannes Stuffer.
Teacher at the KlimaHouse-Courses for planners and consultants, lectures and workshops for craftsmen and enterprises on the subjects of the window and its installation, the energy efficient building design and eco-refurbishment.
March 2007 admission to the official list of KlimaHouse-Certifiers. November 2008 admission to the official list of KlimaHouse-Consultants.
January 2009 teaching assistant at the free University of Bolzano in the Master CasaClima program for the Design Workshop.
Manuel Benedikter is an architectural practice based in Bolzano, Italy.
Zwölfmalgreiner Straße 11, 39100 Bolzano | Italia Bolzano (BZ), Italy - Phone: 0471050707 - Email: -
House H&RAppiano - Italy
Office - Manuel Benedikter ArchitektBolzano - ItalyPhoto by Marion Lafogler
Appartamento MMASBolzano - ItalyPhoto by Marion Lafogler
Appartamento H2OBolzano - ItalyPhoto by Marion Lafogler
Casa KaToCaldaro - ItalyPhoto by Marion Lafogler