White Arkitekter
White Arkitekter is an architectural practice based in Goteborg, Sweden.
The Våga Water TowerBastekullen, Varberg - SwedenPhoto by Anna Kristinsdóttir
Kastrup Sea BathCopenhagen - DenmarkPhoto by Can Ziyal
Karlshamn Cold Bath HouseKarlshamn - SwedenPhoto by Bert Leandersson
White Arkitekter OfficeStockholm - SwedenPhoto by Marc Goodwin
Faerder Technical High SchoolTønsberg, Vestfold - NorwayPhoto by Ivan Brodey, Åke E:son Lindman
Bråtejordet Skole. Strømmen, NorwayStrømmen - NorwayPhoto by Ivan Brodey
St Johannesplan & the Konsthall Square in MalmöMalmö - SwedenPhoto by Hanns Joosten
Octapharma BreweryStockholm - SwedenWith Joliark
Kastrup Sea BathCopenhagen - DenmarkPhoto by Alessandro Guida
Salford House 4 LifeManchester - United Kingdom
Masterplan for Nya HemmeslövBåstad - Sweden
At the GladeStockholm - Sweden