Alsar atelier
< A L S A R > A T E L I E R is a post-pandemic architecture and design studio based in Bogotá, Colombia. The practice focuses on investigating the low-cost aesthetics resultant of the constant state of emergency in Latin America & the global south. So far, the studio has engaged with projects within the private and public realm that explore concepts of sustainable materialites, ephemerality, user adaptability, and low cost tectonics.
Alsar atelier is an architectural practice based in Bogota, Colombia.
Growing ShadeCambridge - United States
A Community Built Fog CatcherBogotá - ColombiaWith Oscar Zamora
Invisible Architecture for the unheard voices of the public realmBogotá - Colombia
Wasteland PavillionBogota - ColombiaPhoto by Diez Veinte Estudio