HOH Architecten
Hartemink Ouburg Hilgendorf Architecten (HOH) is an architectural design firm based in Amsterdam. HOH designs and produces on all scales of the built environment ranging from curtains and furniture to public buildings and master plans in the Netherlands and abroad. The
projects are expressive, layered, sensitive, bold, contextual, autonomous, poetic and pragmatic, fuelled by an inherent engagement to the complexity of social, cultural and urban life.
HOH is actively involved in academic teaching, research and publication. The academic world is seen as parallel reality to the practice, a testing ground for new ideas, techniques, insights and talent. Practice and theory, reality and dream, are seen as indivisible parts of each other.
HOH was founded in 2017 combing the projects, ambitions, experience and expertise of the founding partners’ offices and is currently working on a site-specific work for the Amsterdam Light Festival, a high-way underpass in Amsterdam, two residential buildings and an urban plan for Jyväkylä (Finland) as a result of their winning Europan proposal, the headquarters for one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fragrance and flavourings, new housing for University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Advanced Study and an urban plan of 125.000m2 in Amsterdam.
HOH Architecten is an architectural practice based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Dr. Jan van Breemenstraat 1 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Phone: 0031 (0)20 7719 455 - Email: office@hoh-architecten.com - https://www.hoh-architecten.com
Tabula ScriptaTokyo - JapanPhoto by Jumpei Suzuki
Vice VersaAmsterdam - Netherlands
Holon HouseAmsterdam - NetherlandsWith FreyH Studio
ParaventAmsterdam - Netherlands
Scenography Studio VerweyHaarlem - Netherlands
Portrait pavilionVoorschoten - Netherlands
The Nolli Gardens | Europan 13Jyväskylä - FinlandWith FreyH Studio, Maciej Abramczyk
TEFAF Maastricht 2018Amsterdam - Netherlands
Institute of Advanced StudiesAmsterdam - NetherlandsPhoto by Jordi Huisman