Aurora Arquitectos
Founded in 2010 by Sofia Couto and Sérgio Antunes, the studio Aurora Arquitectos was the natural consequence of the work developed in the previous years. The journey began during the academic period, growing stronger with the professional experience with the Kaputt! collective.
Aurora Arquitectos is an architectural practice based in Lisbon, Portugal.
Lisboa, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal - Email: -
TAIPAS BUILDING LISBONLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
BARTOLOMEU DIAS BUILDINGLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
ARTAVE/CCM MUSIC SCHOOLCaldas da Saúde, Famalicão - Portugal
LARGO DO CARMO APARTMENTLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
3 Pombalino ApartmentsLisboa - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
Hostel in ParedeParede, Cascais - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
Luciano Cordeiro ApartmentLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
Prazeres BuildingLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos
Apartment in EstrelaLisbon - PortugalPhoto by do mal o menos