Matteo graduated with a Master’s Degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Bari (Italy). His thesis pertained to the restoration
of the Castle of Tutino (Lecce, Italy). He focused on the study of the architectural design, structural engineering and architectural technology. Matteo also developed his drawing skills and computer modeling abilities.
Matteo’s work experience with Italian and international architectural firms ranged from urban planning and architectural design to the restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings.
Matteo also gained further experience in staging and scenography which stated as a personal passion and then formalized into two years stage with the Petruzzelli staging team, further developing his skills in carpentry and painting.
MATTEO CIAVARELLA ARCHITETTO is an architectural practice based in Noicàttaro, Italy.
via Fiume 14 Noicàttaro (BA), Italy - Phone: 3387449150 - Email: