ÁBATON Architects
ÁBATON was established in 1998 by Camino Alonso (Architect), Ignacio Lechón (Architect) and Carlos Alonso (Industrial Engineer).
The original purpose of the company was to develop carefully
planned architectural and housing projects with a strong commitment
to design and the impeccable quality of the final product.
In order to oversee the entire construction process and ensure
the quality of the project, ÁBATON set up its own building company
that enabled it to implement and develop new and more flexible
construction systems. Since then, we have been researching materials and new solutions that we have incorporated to our projects.
Since ÁBATON was established, Camino Alonso has been the
Creative Director, implementing a unique style based on the
design of efficient, simple and, above all, human spaces linked
to the environment and with a special concern for nature.
ÁBATON is fully aware of the footprint that building generates
in the environment and our goal is to minimise that footprint as
far as possible: our construction projects are designed to include
low environmental impact materials that are ecological, easily recyclable and affordable; rainwater is always returned to the
land to ensure the natural moisture of the area being developed.
To date, ÁBATON has completed about 200 projects (housing, hotels,
offices, restaurants) and it has renovated more than 80 homes in
Spain and abroad. Our work has been acknowledged in the specialised press in more than 80 countries
ÁBATON Architects is an architectural practice based in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain.
Calle Ciudad Real, 28. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain - Phone: (+34) 91 352 16 16 - Email: info@abaton.es - http://www.abaton.es/