AAU ANASTAS is an architectural practice based in Bethlehem, Palestine, State of.
79 Caritas Street Bethlehem Palestine Bethlehem, Palestine, State of - Phone: +97222741255 - Email: office@aauanastas.com - http://aauanastas.com/
The flat stone vaultJerusalem - Palestine, State ofPhoto by Mikaela Burstow
While We WaitLondon - United KingdomPhoto by Edmund Sumner
Al — JisserBethlehem - Palestine, State ofPhoto by Mikaela Burstow
Mass ImperfectionsDubai - United Arab Emirates
AARHUS School of ArchitectureAARHUS - Denmark
The Toulkarem CourthouseToulkarem - JordanPhoto by Mikaela Burstow
Stonesourcing SpaceBethlehem - Palestine, State of
The National Music ConservatoryBethlehem - Palestine, State of