Architectural office with a special focus on researching simplicity and multifunctionality.
RCAA is an architectural practice based in Bologna, Italy.
Via del Riccio 3/2 Bologna (BO), Italy - Email: info@thearclab.it - www.thearclab.it
Nomad HostelTreviso - ItalyPhoto by Giorgio De Vecchi - GERDA STUDIO
Casa ZVLBologna - ItalyPhoto by Alberto Pagani
Table n2Bologna - ItalyPhoto by Alberto Pagani
Lamp n1Bologna - ItalyPhoto by Alberto Pagani
Servo mutoAntwerp - BelgiumPhoto by Alberto Pagani
Casa/Atelier GVMBologna - ItalyPhoto by Alberto Pagani
Casa RATBologna - Italy
Perspe modular bookshelfMilano - ItalyPhoto by Alberto Pagani