Fabrizio Furiassi
Fabrizio Furiassi is an Italian architect working between Rome and New York. He graduated from La Sapienza University of Rome and completed his postgraduate studies at the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow. He also studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute. As a professional he worked in offices in Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan. Fabrizio works at the intersection between architecture and art. His work awarded him the 1st prize at the Roma Design Lab, and nominations to the YTAA/Fundació Mies van der Rohe, and to the Archiprix International/MIT.
Fabrizio Furiassi is an architectural practice based in Roma, Italia.
Città: Roma (RM), Italia - Email: fabrizio.furiassi@gmail.com
Bed NewsRome - ItaliaWith Patrizio Sbarra
OfficeUS, Bullets Without Ideology - Venice Biennale 2014, United States PavilionVenezia - Italia
Roma Design Lab - 1st PrizeRoma - ItaliaWith Federico Panella
The Europe's Become - MENTION OF MERITNew Yorrk - Stati Uniti
A New Tiananmen SquareRoma - ItaliaWith Romolo Ottaviani
New York City Vision - HONORABLE MENTIONRoma - Italia