shinslab is a France architecture license agency working between France and Korea.
The Human Body in Space is the principal theme of the research in different domains such as art, fashion design, architecture and urban design.
Shin Hyung-Chul Tchely mainly for Korean Projects and Shin Claire for French part are associated in the practice.
Shin Hyung-Chul Tchely teaches in Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV) as instructor in urban design department and in Grenoble architecture school (ENSAG) as Professor in design department.
shinslab is an architectural practice based in Versailles, France / Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
shinslab Korea_서울 성북구 성북동 126-3- shinslab France_14bis Rue Montbauron 78000 Versailles FRANCE Versailles, France / Seoul, Korea, Republic of - Phone: 0686183137 - Email: -