John Gollings
John Gollings is a photographer of architecture based in Melbourne, Australia.
MPAVILIONMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by Map Studio - Magnani Pelzel Architetti AssociatiWith photos also by Anthony Richardson
Faculty of Engineering + Information Technology, University of Technology SydneySydney - AustraliaArchitecture by Denton Corker MarshallWith photos also by Tim Griffith
Australian Embassy JakartaSouth Jakarta - IndonesiaArchitecture by Denton Corker MarshallWith photos also by Tim Griffith
The Geoff Handbury Science and Technology Hub, Melbourne Grammar SchoolMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by Denton Corker Marshall
The Frank Bartlett Memorial Library and Moe Service CentreMoe - AustraliaArchitecture by fjmtWith photos also by Nick Doolan
Fitzroy High School Year 11 & 12 WingMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
Penleigh and Essendon Grammar (PEGS) Junior Boys SchoolMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
The Yardmasters BuildingMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
Letterbox HouseMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) Community HallMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
Monument ParkMelbourne - AustraliaArchitecture by McBride Charles Ryan
Hotel Hotel Ground Floor InteriorCanberra - AustraliaArchitecture by March StudioWith photos also by Peter Bennetts
Hewlett HouseSydney - AustraliaArchitecture by Sebastian Kaintoch