
The Balbi's Camera Obscura Sundial

Inaugurated on the occasion of the winter solstice of December 2023, this project, promoted by the University of Genoa and designed by Valter Scelsi in the composition of the mobile apparatus and by Cristina Candito and Walter Riva in the historical, astronomical aspects, translates precisely into the desire to restore the functioning of the historic sundial dating back to the 18th century and inserted in Genoese Palazzo Balbi where the University headquarters is currently located. Originally conceived as part of a project developed between 1771 and 1773 by the Jesuit mathematician François Rodolphe Corréard, the sundial played a crucial role in regulating local clocks according to French time. This method of time setting, with the date changing at midnight rather than at sunset as in Italian time, required precise instruments for accurate time measurement.
