The House of Memory to the future
ISGREC has worked to reconstruct and disseminate the history of the Martyrs of Istia by proposing a cultural and architectural project hinged on the idea of a place where a living memory could dwell.
The origin: the will to rescue a history-symbol from future oblivion; the perspective: not a museum to visit, within the limits of a precise historical content; the path: a side-by-side historical-architect-community work, a "participated" project.
Thus was born the House of Memory to the Future, a small place of singular memory: spaces to be inhabited, rooms of memory, Containers of experience to sediment gradually the traces of a rapid transit or longer stay of young people, students, people attracted by the possibility of experiencing nature in a landscape that teaches beauty – and culture – experiences of living together to study, reflect, build projects.
The rooms are arranged for talking, reading, studying in theme, but also cooking, eating, and sleeping. The furnishings are few and very simple. The tools useful for study, cultural and educational activities least bulky as possible. A porch and garden add space for educational activities, dialogue, and public meetings. The activities, in addition to guided tours to learn, offer useful cultural work to promote inclusion, relationships between neighboring subjects, but also moments - internships, seminar activities... – to host people from other countries.