The project is composed of four plastic prism, located in an office warehouse of high-tech campus in Shanghai. The renovation aims to turn the existing atrium into a reading space for staff and also accommodating public education tour for primary school students.
The existing atrium lack vertical circulation. Rooms around the atrium are separated on two different levels. The proposal tries to create a series of iconic micro space, which leads to the upper floor while connecting levels around the atrium.
We inserted four plastic prisms. Each is cantilevered from a single column like an umbrella. The loads are detached from existing building both visually and structurally. The steps over the gaps help to connect platform to platform and platform to surrounding levels. The ups and downs of the platform creates a playful promenade experience and intimate space for reading.
Polycarbonate panels are stacked horizontally with edges exposed. The panels are offset on their edge one to another, which helps to avoid aligning material while generates a visual effect recalling masonry. The plastic masonry are lit from within, amplifying its shiny and floating materiality and futuristic atmosphere.
The light panels over the atrium evenly illuminate the prisms like an installation, contrasting the black surrounding space.
Polycarbonate bookshelves are scattered in black peripheral area, defining the space with self-illumination.
This is not a typical cozy reading space. It relects the curiosity and exploring spirit of a pioneering enterprise.