The functions of the chicken coop are based on an established knowledge - chickens need pasture, a safe highground place to sleep and nests for laying eggs. A rational wooden frame, constructed in golden section, is carrying a perfect cube with a side of one meter. Inside the henhouse there is a roosting bar and nests, where they lay eggs. For the owner, the nests are accessible from the back of the coop. A water container is also hidden inside the cube. The perforations on the henhouse ceiling serve as ventilation and form a map of our Milky way galaxy, as many ancient religions believed the universe was created from an egg. It is also a reference to traditional Slovenian perforated Easter eggs. As the chickens graze, they can look at a gold plated bronze egg, with a quote in ancient greek “God always uses geometry”. Hopefully one day a hen will be inspired to start laying golden eggs on her own. The chicken coop, which is currently on display at the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, has been selected from an open call for participation at Milano Design Week 2020 with a theme »How will we live in the future«. It represented an optimistic perspective on our future with discovery of the beauty of living with nature – a chance to rethink our relationship with animals and quality of our food.
Both hen houses - a prototype, which is in use, and the final product on display, were made in a wood workshop of an Organisation for people with intellectual disabilities.