
Another Sicily / Postcards from Nowhere

Any place is a landscape. The European Landscape Convention defines it as “an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors”. Since they act as representations of cultural and historical identities, landscapes are one of mankind and communities’ inalienable rights: however, “other landscapes”, almost invisible, often appear right in front of our eyes, rendering us unable to narrate them. Those are territories that need to be redesigned, landscapes that need to be repossessed, reinvented or rebuilt.

“Another Sicily / Postcards from Nowhere” tells the story newspapers, guidebooks and social media have seldom told, a story which is different from what we are used to see. To make this territory’s fragility and liminality visible, pictures inbetween public and private spheres are presented, “contemporary postcards” made up of undesigned, aseptic, messy and empty spaces.

Photos by Mauro Fontana