Innovative schools | Bari.
Funk the system: what could have been, but it was not.

The competition of ideas for the design of "innovative schools" for the area of Bari - Sant'Anna has never been concluded, following the precautionary ordinance n.4358 issued by the TAR of Lazio on 02.08.2016, which has made the project area "NOT AVAILABLE" for competitors.
The project foresees the creation of a new school complex in a suburb of the city of Bari. The aim is to integrate in the newly built district, new architectural organisms that are updated with respect to contemporary educational needs, but also open to flexible uses, including large reception areas.
The school complex is divided into three separate buildings: a school for children, a building for primary and secondary schools of first grade and one for secondary school. The green space stays as a connective between the three buildings and it is articulated in a linear park that ends with the secondary school.

In the design of the three school buildings, the theme of the court, intended as a protected and representative space, has been declined in a different way according to the educational needs and the growth process of the student.
The school for children, in fact, presents a greater degree of introversion and relates to an enclosure to the outer space.
The building that houses the primary and secondary school of first grade develops around a court, which is accessed through a filter that houses all the public functions of the school.
The secondary institute of the second degree, finally, opens outwards, welcoming within it also a portion of the linear park.
All the inner spaces of the three schools are aimed at encouraging the exchange and educational cooperation between teachers and learners, preferring flexible solutions that follow the logic of the possible aggregation of students; ample space is also dedicated to interactive and group educational activities.