"There is no reason why workspace should be less comfortable than your home." New administrative offices for an existing industry, located on the Rafaela Business Park.The project has a tectonic, structural and material configuration that responds to its main qualities: freedom of organizations and relation with the landscape.
Freedom of organization
Its interior flexibility is achieved through a load-bearing structure independent of metal profiles, and complemented by internal divisions - not bearings -, materialized by the same equipment required for the offices: Stackable wooden modules with access from both sides. Its materialization allows to organize different uses, sizes of offices, or different configurations of jobs according to the ever changing needs.
Relationship with the landscape
The relationship with the landscape and the environment is achieved by means of an outer sheath of "glass skin" (with double hermetic glaze), which forms a horizontal prism. It allows for subtle sets of transparency, reflections and visuals between interior and exterior.
The building in contact with the ground has a single horizontal nave and free floor for the main administrative activities. This connects with the existing production factory through three volumes in which the services are found, and among which are formed courtyards that qualify the spatiality of the whole.
Energy efficiency and resource optimization
The metal roof and its platform extend to the North front and to its East and West sides, creating space transitions - racks and galleries - that contain and protect the glazed prism where the main activities take place. Such intermediate spaces have a functional-spatial role but above all a climatic role. Their proportions avoid the sunning of their facades in summer, and at the same time allow the sunning during the winter. It is a selective and sustainable way of managing the environment through the architecture itself, reducing the energy and economic consumption of the regenerative mechanical systems of acclimatization.
The diaphanous spatial and material qualities reduce the artificial illumination, considering the daytime use of the administrative activity. Consumption is also optimized by the use of 100% LED luminaires. The incorporation of mobile filters - internal screen curtains - collaborate complementarily in the regulation of natural and visual light.
Structure, space, materiality and expression are integrated achieving a synthesis that solves the variables and complexity that the program demands, combined with the optimization of material, human and time resources for its efficient construction, use and maintenance.
Speec Sheet:
Project Name: Industrialized Offices
Autor: Arq. Mauricio Morra
Location: Av. Juan D. Perón 2495 (PAER), Rafaela.
Year: 2017
Area: 206 m2
Photographer/ Website: Ramiro Sosa /
- AD Aberturas (Amado Doleatto) / Aluminium, courtain wall.
- CHyM Metalúrgica (Marcos Morsso) / Metal structure.
- Vilso Bertoni Climatización (Diego Bertoni) / Heat and refrigeration.
- Techno Equipamientos (Jorge Contarde) / Electric Instalation.