Tomba Brion through details
A journey through Carlo Scarpa's work in Altivole for Brion's family through black and white film.
While we all know Carlo Scarpa's work is surely understood through its finest detailing process, most of the times Tomba Brion is shown from a far view, as a complex.
This set of photographs would like to highlight the work of the Master through the details that always made his work appreciated and unique.
The use of concrete, wooden elements and steel pieces comes down to a coherent outcome which embraces the spirit of the place while expressing its detachment from the common idea of a cemetery.
Through his detailing, Scarpa celebrates the infinite companionship within Brion's family; a companionship that overcomes death and ideally and physically connects Giuseppe Brion with his relatives.
From the very same entrance on, passing through the chapel, the corridor - which opens on to the garden and the actual tombs -, the pool and the connections to the common part of the cemetery, everything comes together and consistently create a conversation that always leave the visitor speechless.
This journey through the details comes from the wish to share the materiality that made this place so real and so attractive; a materiality that invites people to keep touching, keep feeling the rough walls as well as the shiny metal.
While the contrast of shiny natural colors, rich wooden elements concrete and colorful usually create a complete experience in the final users, the choice to shoot in black and white came from the need to highlight the way light affects the space and the elements, the way materials react to it and the shadows that enhance the plasticity of the place and the perfectly casted shapes, while also reminding the never-ending whispering sounds that accompany the guests during their visits.