La Finestra di Fronte
Ten thousand kilometers is approximately the distance between Turin and Tokyo. Ten thousand kilometers is also the distance existing between the shell of an anonymous villa designed by an ordinary technician for the umpteenth parcelling plan in the countryside area and an interior project which remind to Japanese atmospheres. Open spaces, split levels, wooden finishes and use of filtered light are the main elements characterizing this project. Clients have taken over the building from a judicial auction. Something has not worked in the right way during the process, or maybe something actually has worked better in this case. Unfinished state of construction and not still built internal walls let see the possibilities to improve the quality of the house: three different levels, exposed wooden roof, white walls and wheat fields visible through the windows on the west side.
A limited number of partition is used to give the sensation of a wider space, organized in different levels, while, on the other hand, several transparencies (that can be shielded if necessary) have been realized to increase the depth of space, providing always different points of view. A bamboo carpet completely covers the floor, making the feeling of a flowing space stronger. That carpet becomes volume in two service blocks: the first one in the middle of the living room and the other one between the two main bedrooms. These two blocks play an active role in the use of space thanks to their duality: inside as bathroom or storage, and outside as equipped wall for the living room, study space, shelter where children can play.