El Eco Pavilion
We want to question the interior-exterior duality condition that divides people. Those who are inside are by definition different from those who are outside. However we believe that this space-time separation is relative.
We want to blur that distinction in the construction of our cities and our spirits.
We raised 3 theses:
Inside and outside can be the same thing.
The same thing can take two different morphologies.
Surfaces can be deep.
The material from which the Pavilion for the courtyard of the Museum Eco is developed is the own courtyard of the Eco Museum. We depart from the surfaces that are limiting the courtyard, with a 58 meters’ perimeter and three different heights and we reproduce them departing from the window cross and taking their average height as a reference. To accommodate the space contained in the courtyard, the 58 meters’ surface must deform adopting an organic morphology. Curving allows the new surface, done of very thin sheet, to become a self-holding structure. The perimeter which was close before, opens up. The opposition inside-outside gets dissolved.