On Lolland's most southern point, the flat landscape has been transformed from conventional farming to re-established natural area.
Lolland’s flat landscape is a unique area for migratory birds that staying right here. Based on this point, we start the process establishing the new nature center in an old stone farmhouse - a center that partly disseminate the area's recreational values to a wide audience, while telling the story of the area's rich flora and fauna. The landscape includes grazing beef cattle, wild horses, breeding of eagle’s pairs and more.
A new nature center established in the existing stone farmhouse, and furthermore, a range of accommodation units placed in the landscape for tourist. The tourists are following in the footsteps of the establishment of the Nature Park. The nature center will serve as a cultural focal point, meeting place for the surrounding area and as a gateway to the many recreational experiences in the countryside.
The existing main house will be sensitively renovate, while the livestock barn is transformed with a continuous structure of wood, that in a modern way, interprets the old barn large wooden structures, and provides a framework for exhibition, auditorium and classrooms. The structure culminates in a watchtover to look bird migration over the flat landscape.