A site-specific public installation created directly onto a residential building using over 600 square-metres of golden wallpaper in Katowice, Poland.
‘Złoty’ reflects on the aspirations of the former residents and the region’s history of gradual decline following the collapse of the local mining industry. The title (literally translated as ‘golden’) is the name of Poland’s currency and refers to the gold wallpaper completely covering the abandoned residential building. This wallpaper and it's design were commonly seen inside the homes of the Załęże district. Placing it on the exterior of the building acts to render the familiar interior of these homes vulnerable, it’s gradual deterioration over time forming part of the work.
'Złoty' is a continuation of Strange’s ongoing architectural interventions and exhibitions. It was commissioned by The Intytucja Kultury Katowice by curator Michał Kubieniec with research assistance from the Katowice Historical Museum.