International competition “Design our Ryde”
The site is located within an urban mesh with a small scale, while the batch and the Top Ryde City shopping centre form, in a bigger scale than the context, a sort of quadrilateral. This one cut by Devlin Street generates a triangular shape which appears as a sort of ambiguity on the site: on the one hand, the desire to belong to the macro-scale of the shopping centre (also by means of bridges that surpass the road) and on the other a continuity with a smaller residential scale.
The project responds to this double condition with two elements: the first one, horizontal, hooks the two existing bridges creating a pedestrian path that leads people to the ground floor. This element serves both as a pedestrian link and as a visual separator, dividing the road from the great park that is formed.
Commercial, parking and bus interchange facility are planned on its inside. The second element is a vertical one and belongs to a wider territorial level, even more of the Top Ryde City shopping centre, but the scale and the permeability of its ground floor manages to connect these three scales: the micro-scale of homes and gardens, the macro-scale of the shopping centre and the territorial scale.
This tower is divided into four key moments: a great covered plaza on the ground floor (from which you can access to the higher and lower plans), a performance space on the underground plan (also connected with the horizontal element), the civic and administration functions on the higher plans and finally a 360° viewpoint of the territory on the last plan.