Usabal Sports Center
Tolosa´s sports center manages to obtain large surfaces in a relatively small volume in order to reduce its impact in the surroundings. The program includes two sports courts, a swimming pool, squash and padel courts, a fitness club, a climbing wall, a restaurant and other outer sport spaces.
The sports center takes the form of two light volumes that are linked by a base of common programs. The first volume holds all the dry activities, while the second one holds the swimming facilities.
Swimming pools are placed in a glass volume, filled with natural light. In this space, the sports center offers two interior swimming pools, spa and two exterior swimming pools.
The building blends interior and nature trough transparency.
The programmatic needs and the available ground shortage demanded a section-type piling up of the two sport tracks in a single volume, generating a body of great dimensions that, along with the destined to humid programs, is placed to the foot of the mountain.