A Little Great Work
This is all about building a logical, simple and economical piece; a storehouse to replace the shed which currently houses the sails of the Sotogrande Sailing Club’s yachts. We would like to demonstrate once again how architecture is capable, despite a limited budget, of devising an exquisite piece.
As an initial measure we establish a flat surface supported by a simple metal structure of white painted galvanized steel. Onto it, as if it were a frame, we fix self-supporting alveolar concrete panels. By way of access, three stairways of galvanized sheet metal painted white.
Covering and closure
Onto that platform and linked to the basic structure we erect a light elementary structure of galvanized metal tubes. The modules making up this structure are 2.50 x 5.00 x 2.50 m. The roof and walls are finished off with pieces of white cellular polycarbonate, either translucent or opaque, as required.
The front gallery covered with translucent polycarbonate will have both sun and shade. A retractable closure of glass laminated for security is envisaged involving minimal carpentry.
Thus with a modest budget we hope to create a very elementary architectural work that will be a thing of beauty in terms of its logic, proportions and scale. We would like to build a little great work.