
Versants Versatiles - Europan 13 - Runner-up

Europan 13 – Saint-Brieuc – France

Authors : Jean Chevalier (Architect and Landscape architect), Gaylor Chiari, Nicolas Pineau, Alexandre Renimel, Noémie Schmidt, Marie Eve Turpeau (Architects)

The issue put forward by the city of Saint-Brieuc was one of a weakened relation between the land and the sea, with two proposed intervention sites, the historic city center and a derelict industrial site in the Gouët valley.

We suggest approaching the territory of St-Brieuc from a formal singularity: the topographical 80 meter NGF line that integrates into its drawing the city center in the Gouët valley. The general strategy consists in working on the relationship between two entities separated by this line: on one side the urbanized plateaus and on the other one the deserted hillsides.
