Treasure Room - Schatzkammer Gurk
Rafts inside rooms, becoming samples in their beauty.
The rafts don't touch the walls. Nothing touches the
walls. The Rafts are firm, solid – like the ancient
masonry: Planks from larch wood. 4 cm in diameter, 28
cm wide. Each board is bedded individually, clamped to
the rim - swelling and dwindling is allowed. Wooden
clamps and forks assemble boards to desks, tables and
benches. No lacquer. Filthy shoes leave marks.
Responsibility is felt, because something precious is vulnerable.
We are overwhelmed by norm creators, creative craft is being criminalised.
Trust as accomplishment: an advance requited through commitment. Trust is mutual: from builder owner to architect to craftsman and back. Trust deals with errors, commonplace at a building site, because buildings are prototypes. In a smart-phone-world we lose sight of thousands of disposed prototypes. Unabused errors turn congenial, mandatory, like rungs of a ladder. As long as you enjoy the view from the top rung, they are forgotten, but no view without rungs.
Rafts inside rooms, becoming samples in their beauty. The rafts don’t touch the walls – reverentially. Nothing else touches the walls, apart from the restorers’ hands, which rid the walls from cosmetic errors of decades. Rafts need to be strong, firm, solid in order to float credibly. We select planks: 4 cm in diameter, 28 cm wide, 320 cm long. Everything is built from these planks. Exhibition desks are formed from stapled planks, just like in the woodmills in the valley outside: stapled planks from larch wood.
A plank of this dimension is not controllable, not complying with the standard, which does not tolerate non-conformance. And wood, a living material, moves. The standard wants to grind it, press size it into boards. Then nothing moves, it’s dead. Let live – the error turns into a quality. The native larch is more twisted than the Siberian one because it grows in the mountains and not in the tundra. The location shapes the tree and the people alike. Why should man not cope with the tree, they have the same origin.
Each board is bedded individually, clamped to the rim – swelling and dwindling is allowed. Wooden clamps and forks assemble boards to desks, tabels and benches.
Who wears filthy shoes, spills red wine, leaves one’s marks – immortalizes themselves, feels responsibility, because something precious is vulnerable. Norm does not take care of this here.