Omicron Campus
Omicron, a globally active company, is currently expanding its development center in Vorarlberg, Austria. This involves the erection of a new building that provides space for approximately 200 office workplaces and additional facilities. The concepts realized in the already existing OMICRON building are continued: adaptable office units are situated around three open courtyards. These so called ‘hotspots′ function as hubs that connect the different sections of the building.
Their design aims at stimulating communication and creative thinking. Planning and realization of the hotspots took place in close collaboration with Martin Rauch and Anna Heringer (clay), Border Architects (light ceilings) and Eichinger Offices (wood). The green roof compensates for the loss of green space as a consequence of the construction of the new building.
Omicron′s workplace culture emphasizes flat hierarchies as well as open and transparent communication. This is reflected in the architecture. The courtyards feature an open layout and are easily accessible for employees and visitors. Meeting rooms, storage spaces and other facilities are situated on the ground floor. The upper floors host office units. Their size can be easily adapted in order to accommodate the needs of the different teams.
Client Omicron electronics GmbH
Location A-6833 Klaus, Oberes Ried 1
Architecture Dietrich | Untertrifaller
Project management P. Nußbaumer, R. Österle Construction 2012-2014
Floor space 12.770 m2
Volume 52.700 m3
Mission Architekturplanung inkl. Koordination
Building costs 31,5 Mio Euro
Anzahl 200 working places
Awards 2015 client's award, 2014 great place to work
Partner Statik: gbd, Dornbirn / Statik Holz: mkp, Dornbirn / Haustechnik: e-plus, Egg; teamgmi, Schaan / Akustik: Müller BBM, Planegg / Lichtplanung: Bartenbach, Aldrans; Hecht, Rankweil / Hotspot crossing / border: A. Heringer, Laufen + M. Rauch, Schlins / Hotspot body: Eichinger Offices, Wien / Lichtdecke Hotspots: Border Architecture, Amsterdam