Uncertainty Mountain is a stacking of spaces for nests that only makes sense when inserted in the web of connections that constitutes its environment. It thus becomes a catalyst for the multiple potentialities of the place it occupies, building ductile and temporal relationships that keep the mountain in a constant state of imbalance.
Different strata constructed form a succession of different orders. A series of living layers, full of potential thanks to its many structural qualities, accumulate in this floating mountain allowing the reception of a variety of native birds. Each of the layers, including the mountain itself, constitutes nesting sites with specific conditions for various migratory species. The role of this overlapping of potential elements is to establish indeterminate links between their inhabitants, as it does the existing ecosystem on the island of Pinedo.
Uncertainty Mountain is a heterogeneous construction that remains open and changing; it assumes the instability thanks to its associated and assembled layers. A birdhouse capable of reacting with new constructions to the various conditions of its inhabitants or the simple passing of time. The different elements are stacked and tied with no need of mechanical or chemical anchors, a construction system capable of assuming future changes, updates, fixings, new insertions or substitutions of its elements, absorbing the ephemeral and changing nature of the nests.
In the end, we will generate links and allow new realities arise through the establishment of various connections. Promoting through it a continuous movement of reassociating and reassembling.