Migrant Garden
Migrant Garden supports the active debate inside the Faculties of Architecture and Design. Migrant Garden promotes the culture as an horizontal value.
Migrant Garden points out the necessity of a proactive participation of Italian and international students inside the faculties. Migrant Garden is a no profit project organized by a group of young architects supported and financed by Politecnico di Milano whose proceeds will be donated in charity. Migrant Garden called to partecipate at the first exhibition, that will take place in via Scalabrini in Piacenza, an international and heterogeneous panorama of designers.In the ancient and evocative cloister of the 14th century there will be an installation of 40 bird-nests, projected and designed by the well know firms. They will start from a kit that Migrant Garden previously sent them which contained two moulds 24x24x24 made by an innovative material from Acell Tech, a company that produces panels for building and military use. The themes that will be touched focus on the issues of forced migration of the Isle de Pinedoʼs birds, promoting an architectural culture attentive to issues of sustainability, landscape and cultural heritage protection. Another aim of the exhibition is to stimulate a debate among the same architectural firms, investigating which are the connection or severance elements between generations , different formations, geographical origins and how those differences can influence the design approach. If, therefore, still makes sense to speak of “architectural manifesto” in a globalized cultural scene.
The installation will open the 19th of June 2015. During the day will take place a conference, “Architecture Zoo”, a cycle of talks with some guests: Fala Atelier (Portugal), Bureau A (Switzerland), Fosbury Architecture (Italy) and as chairman Daniel Tudor Munteanu, curator of the blog Of Houses.
The 40 designers: A12, Altiplano, Amunt, Anna Barbara, Atelier Branco, Atelier Fala, Beniamino Servino, Building Building, Bureau A, Camilo Rebelo, Cini Boeri, Eduardo Castillo, Emilio Marin, Fabio Alessandro Fusco, Filippo Orsini, Fosbury Architecture, Francesco Librizzi, Go Hasegawa, Gonzalo Del Val, Italo Rota, Juan Carlos DallʼAsta, Luca Molinari, Marcio Kogan, Matilde Cassani , Michele De Lucchi, Miniatura, Mobo Architects, Mvrdv, Netwerch A.D.G., Nieto Sobejano, Perry Kulper, Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Franco Purini, Point Supreme, Rudy Ricciotti, Sergio Crotti, Laura Thermes, Tsuneyama + Nousaku, Unulaunu.
40 projects, 40 formations, 40 firms, 40 cultures, 3 generations, 15 Countries, 4 Continents, 1 world architectural traveling exhibition.