The 2014 session of the festival des architectures vives is formed around the concept of ‘sensuality.’ in accordance with this theme, we have constructed ‘bite apple’ in the entrance of hotel d'Aurès in Montpellier, France.
From Raphael to Magritte, through Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Walt Disney, the apple, sometimes sensual sometimes spiritual, is full of emotion. The apple, often seen as the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, is the only material used in our installation. This project lends itself to art, architecture and landscape. 2550 apples are arranged on the courtyard floor of the Hôtel d’Aurès. This installation depicts luscious and sensual lips ready to bite into the forbidden fruit. The carpet of fruit, moving from green to deep red, resonates with the architecture of the courtyard.
At the end of the Festival, apples from this ephemeral work were taken and used by visitors. All that remain is the pleasure of having created it.