Prime Tower
Framed by the bridge Hardbruecke, the SBB tracks as well as the Maag factories, the re- sulting public realm forms part of the context set by its surroundings.
Rather than a static courtyard, the public space is a continuous entity stretching in between Primetower, the platform and the Diagonal building. Setting up strong links to the adjacent public spaces the ground level is articulated as the connecting tissue – the common ground.
The central courtyard has got a direct link to the SBB train station. Trees grow from three planters recessed into the asphalt; the com- mon ground appears to camber and burst. The undulating asphalt surfaces form differ- ent edges: gentle slopes mark the external elevation while seating edges are created towards the internal spaces. With a direct view onto the water feature on the adjacent ramp the seating edges have become a highly popular spot inside the central courtyard.