The proposal is bornt from an interpretation of the place as the footprint of the industries prior to urbanization. Existing traces define our schedule.
The conceptual idea is based on the density distribution of the program throughout the place, focusing on program bands that alternate density variable green outdoor spaces and covered spaces where the construction program focuses.
Starting from a general scheduled, concentrated densities of program are located, which are more dense at the edges, setting towers that overlook the mountains, and respond to the edges of the place. The revision and reinterpretation of the pre-existing items define us directions and hierarchies of the public social space; we retain the main industrial structures, we release them of the enclosures and integrate them into the general space. The bridge building will be supported by the existing building structure. With steel box section, these three-dimensional beams will be placed in the ideal position that enables different configurations of public space on ground floor. The bridges will be located at the top of the existing structure, releasing the ground floor of the industrial buildings that are configured as a forest of pillars. This forest of pillars extends throughout the project, setting up an open ground floor connections appear, and there are tertiary uses and general equipment fitted with
transparent enclosures.
On this floor, denser programs bands are built, and mainly will be occupied by office uses. These bands built on the ground floor create a rhythm of light and shadow across the place. The ground floor public spaces have different hierarchy. The main space is the large square covered by the
structures of existing buildings in its surroundings. A large open square is set as the main outdoor space. Circular plazas in the built bands open themselves and are linked together with adequate roads for pedestrians and bicycles.
programmatic proposal:
All bands contain all the programmatic diversity so that the construction of a band always includes offices, commercial premises and residential space thus avoiding the current configuration as a bedroom suburb. Thus no uniform program areas are created from the beginning but all uses distributed throughout the space in both the
horizontal and vertical development. This heterogeneous distribution is qualified on the ground floor creating potential axes or places where commercial uses are distributed. In height the upper floors are reserved for locating housing.
As for the stages of implementation, the project can be built as warehouses are dismantled, grouped based on the main road.
constructive proposal:
The proposal is built with slim porches of prefabricated beams and columns, double glass and methacrylate facade, thin slabs, and movable panels, ceilings and floors that help configure spaces as needed. All the beams have the same span and have the same section, come prefabricated and may be mounted on site. Prefabrication construction will reduce costs and will allow for quicker deadlines, because one piece will be used to construct the entire building. Besides the fact of placing allways the sampe piece will make the program more flexible since all the bands will support the same loads. The morphology of the structure makes the execution to be performed easily by advancing the construction phases according to demand.
engawa (double interstitial space)
The proposal aims to achieve an economic, flexible and easy to assemble piece. The dwelling consists of three elements: a central, main, space, framed by two secundary lateral spaces, called engawa. These two interstitial areas, generated between two planes include all the facilities and furnishings. These two service areas are the main novelty, freeing up or furnishing the main diaphanous room. Flexible and diaphanous spaces, with shifting boundaries between work and leisure.
The housing consists of a core A, diaphanous and versatile, to which two light structures habitable B + C are attached, which allow for flexible space and reorganize the house itself depending on the situation.
The two engawa spaces are not understood as service spaces or traditional wet areas, but apart from privacy filters and traditional weather protection, they allow the traditional uses of bathroom and kitchen to be expanded in the house, as if they were pieces of a mecano, allowing a bathtub to be close to the natural light, or to place the bed in summer in the outdoor engawa
(double-spaced facade), or extending the kitchen into the central space of the house, taking more importance on it.
In this case the set is generated by overlapping and stacking these tipologies, as the exterior engawa itself is responsible, together with the owner, to generate the facade according to the degree of privacy that is generated in the interior
The different topologies are generated from all these rules, piling up in half-towers or half-blocks that can be adapted to the specific geometry of the project.
engawa construction
Metal structure is constructed with conventional standardized profiles and slabs with steel decking. This building system allows us to reduce costs and shorten the execution time, and it can be executed in phases. Facilities are concentrated in the two side spaces (interior and exterior engawa.
facade engawa
We design a ventilated facade composed of stainless steel parts anchored to a metal substructure as a scaffold. This will get a high efficiency of the enclosure allowing the outer skin to act as a thermal buffering zone and to
avoid damp and condensation in winter.