German Horticultural Show Heilbronn 2019
The areas provided fort he Horticultural Show in Heilbronn in 2019 show the city’s intention to bridge the gaps between the historical centre of the city, the big riverisland and the western quarters. Starting at this point the design is aimed to multiply the number of these steppingstones between the eastern and western borders of the river and, at the same time bridging them with strong linear structures.
This use of formal elements and linear connections establishes not only direct links of the different quarters but a variety of open spaces with a unique character.
Most striking the northern park on the river island gives place to a new living area around an artificial inner harbour with a representative waterfront.
The southern border of the river shows a contrast to the urban zone in the north and is converted into a far more naturally landscaped park.
Towards the western borders of the river a new pedestrian bridge crosses the river and connects the city’s centre with a new and attractive area with retailing and gastronomic offers fort he nearby suburb.
According to the permanent structure and its major topic the temporary spaces for the Horticultural Show are characterized by the theme of an archipelago consisting of numerous islands evolving specials topics that go from horticultural topics to energy crops and agricultural topics.