Dogan Media Center
DMC is planned to be a distinctive media figure, housing
Turkey’s leading media group Dogan’s TV channels and
The main form of the building is planned to be a cube
in respect to the square site; yet starting on the surface,
the straight cube form deformed and re-structured by
again cubic annexes and subtractions that resulted in
extra volumes. In accordance with topographic directions,
slightly angled solutions of the modules on the front
elevations and south-north axis enhance the vivacity.
It is a genuine building in terms of transparency; strong
in-out correlation enables a well-defined description
before getting in the building. Separate sections like
studios and offices preserve their exclusivity; each
segment is emphasized in the integral form of the
re-assembled blocks of cube. The emblematic use of
façade creates a visually legible dynamic ambiance with
reference to today’s colorful, fast moving and assertive
image of the media. The building is strongly perceived
form far and in diverse prospects at various angles due
to dissimilar boxes at range of sizes and colors and
angles, and materializes as an eye-catching “sign”.