The basic idea was to provide simple but strongsensations.The building,beingslightlysuspended from the contour elevation,seems to project out of the ground,givinganappearance of both bulkand lightness.
Two large spaces are planned withinthe plotbut outside the building:a large patio runningoff the atrium,and a small square linkedto the commercial zone.AccessesInorder not to disrupt the sense of continuityachieve betweenthe patio and the smallsquare,traffic from the Rua do Pólo Sul plunged under the square via a tunnel.Thistunnel will also provide access to parkingareas and loading/unloadingbays. Pedestrianaccess to the building (with the exception the commercial zone facingAlameda dosOceanos )is concentrated inthe atrium oft the mainentrance near Avenida D.João I.Built like a glass box,it enables one to see into the large patio inthe building.
The patiowill consist of a sheet of water reflectingmirror like the upper floors off the buildingandcreatingoptical illusions.The Atrium is the departure pointfor accessingall the different parts off the building.
The buildinghas a concrete base that is a integral component of its total image,whenseenboth from the inside and from the outside. A Curtainwall“system has beenadopted for the façades,alternatingaluminium,glass and wood to reduce the scale ofthe buildingoptically,create its ownparticular style and facilitate its integrationwith theenvironment.
This also provides for a pleasant internal workenvironment with goodlightingand good panoramic views.