Corrugated soil
A wave of larch boards supported by a metal structure of thin pillars breaks against the Palazzo del Cinema of the Lido island in Venice lagoon, becoming the entrance of the 60th Film Festival.
The structure impresses a new sign on the Venetian scene: a catwalk for the entry of actors and film directors as well as an organized space for photographers.
Supported on a series of steel struts, The Wave is a catwalk that interacts with the flows of the fans.
Like the deck of a ship ready to sail away for great adventures, the installation gets close to the existing facade.
A compressed entrance space is created between two folded surfaces: the existing cantillivered roof and the new folded surface.
The moment of the actors’ arrival is an explosive and magic one, but it lasts a second, as when a wave breaks on the shore, leaving a corrugated soil on the threshold between land and water.
Progetto e direzione artistica: C+S Associati: Carlo Cappai, Maria Alessandra Segantini
Collaboratori: Daniele Dalla Valle, Davide Testi, Barbara Acciari, Andrea Tenuti, Alessandro Stefanoni
Progetto strutturale: Tese Spa
Progetto grafico: Studio Tapiro, Venezia
Direzione lavori: Tese Spa
Impresa esecutrice: Tese Spa
Coordimanto generale: Tese Spa, Venezia
Committente: Biennale di Venezia, Tese Spa
Cronologia: 2003_progettazione e realizzazione
Località: Lido di Venezia